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Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Logical Atheist Strikes Again!

Follow the link to read the latest dose of applied atheism - it ain't pretty!

It might help you refute their view next time you get face to face with one.


  1. I am just at a loss as to what I could possibly say to this man were he to stand before me and tell me what he just posted on his blog. I know the person can be saved, as the sin-cleansing power of our Lord Jesus knows no limits. That I am reborn testifies of that fact. But do you have any advice , other than sharing the Word and praying to God to give increase? What about any particular passages of Scripture, to one who believes the Book to be no more than fables? This is scary and dangerous thinking this person has. I believe man's refusal to acknowledge God's reality is mainly rooted in one wishful delusion- If God is not real, then neither are His Laws. And if this be true, then whatever is desired can be done without any consequences on the back end. And we must have faith in the TOTAL SOVEREIGNTY of our Heavenly Father- Because this man could be Anyone, including our child's grade school teacher. tj

  2. Most atheists think Christianity is repressive and dangerous and that they have the answers for a better world. These blog posts would be embarrassing to most atheists, I think, but I don't think anyone could refute it without having a revelation from God to support the very concepts of right and wrong. I would assume this is a Christian pointing out the absurdity and danger of atheism, not a legitimate atheist.

  3. Threatening children with a made up hell is child abuse.

  4. What is your basis for calling something abuse? Are you speaking in objective/absolute terms or is abuse just a subjective man-made concept.
