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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is an eleven year old girl involved in sexual activity something that should be kept secret?

There is a push among the so called "expets" in Government agencies to allow girls of any age to get a "morning after pill" to prevent having a pregnancy come to term. The pill would be available without a prescription and without notifying a parent or guardian. There are many obvious problems with this:

Surely it makes young girls more likely to assume sex outside marriage, at a very young age, is normal and harmless.

It puts a potentially dangerous drug in the hands of a child who we would not trust to use other medications safely.

It encourages young girls to keep their parents in the dark about their lives rather than encouraging them to turn to them for wisdom and guidance.

And, here is the one I am most shocked about, if someone is  having sex with an eleven year old girl, we should be investigating sexual abuse, not encouraging a cover up. Any eleven year old girl who needs a "morning after pill" is a victim, even if she was a willing participant in the sexual activity. Regardless of if the male involved is eleven or sixty, something is very wrong with a girl that young having sex and it needs to be investigated, not kept secret.

As usual, Al Mohler does a great job of discussing this timely issue. See His much more thorough insight here:

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