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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Anthony Weiner VS Christine Quinn?

This is a strange commentary on American society. Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, who left office in disgrace after tweeting inappropriate pictures of himself to women, is seeking the Democratic nomination for NY City Mayor, against the openly gay candidate City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

At one time, Weiner would have been the far more palatable candidate, but now his heterosexual flirting is seen as far worse that his opponents openly gay lifestyle. I am not too shocked by this, because we have become a very confused country when it comes to what we think is acceptable behavior. The question I would ask is on what basis does one decide that a man sending flirtatious pictures to a woman is worse that a woman living a gay lifestyle? If there is no absolute standard of right and wrong, such as one would find in the Bible, then why not just say anything goes in the politicians lifestyle as long as they will make decisions that we like?

Well, I guess the fact that Anthony Wiener is running against Christine Quinn, means we have come to the point where anything goes!

Lord come quickly!

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