I know I have said this before, but why don't politicians and others shift their wording on abortion from who should be able to have abortions, to which unborn children are worthy of our protection?
Rather than, "I am against abortion, even in the case of rape and incest", wouldn't it be more correct and useful to say - "I am for protecting the lives of all the unborn, even those who were conceived through the very unfortunate acts of rape or incest".
After all, if we focus on the rights of the woman to abort we are missing the point from the start. Either the unborn are humans with a right to live, no matter how they were conceived, or we make it a matter of how the conception took place and whether the woman should have the right to terminate the child's life in certain circumstances!
I know the other side will always present their arguments in terms of the woman's right to choose, but I really don't hear the consistent cry to protect all the unborn coming from the mouth of conservatives either.
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