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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Online discussion - Is there salvation outside the church?

I know what you’re probably asking, what do I mean by church? Do I mean the spiritual/supernatural "Body of Christ" which is made up of every born again believer for all time, often called the "universal" or "invisible" church" or do I mean the local gathering of believers for the purpose of worship, discipleship, prayer and ministry?

It seems obvious and beyond the need for explanation that the scriptures allow for no salvation outside the union with Christ by the Holy Spirit that makes up His universal church. By contrast it might sound shocking to suggest that salvation assumes or even necessitates participation in a local church fellowship. I would never hold that church membership/participation is the basis for our salvation, but rather affirm salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone!

However, with that said I would like to invite any reader of this blog to defend from scripture their view on the following questions:

1. In what ways, if any, is salvation (our new nature/identity in Christ) and participation in a local fellowship/church linked in scripture?

2. Is there any scriptural affirmation of true believers existing outside participation in a local fellowship/church?

3. How should the goals/methods of evangelism be impacted by the answers to questions one and two?

4. What specifically should be done for those who have professed faith and don't participate in a local fellowship/church? Consider separately those who would like to participate, but are unable due to physical limitations, transportation, etc. from those who are able, but either feel it is unnecessary or are unmotivated to participate?

I look forward to your biblically supported comments?


  1. Hi, tj here. Good questions keith. I can relate to both sides of thought, as one who used to believe that it wasn't neccesary, and who now believes it's vital.
    1) I would say, while maybe not linked directly to salvation, God through His Word commands us to (Hebrews 10:24-25) We as redeemed people ought want to follow His Word. A passage that does seem to undeniably link in is Acts 2: 40-47. These hear the Gospel, believe, and immediatly are steadfast in fellowship (42),together and having all things in common (44). I take this to mean not that they all liked football or chicken, but that what was mine was yours and so on. So in this case 3000 became one. In Acts 3 when Peter and John through the Power of the Holy Spirit healed the lame man, the formerly crippled did not say thanks and go his own way. Verse 11 says he "held on to Peter and John", though he had no need to, seeing he had been made whole in the name of Jesus. He is still with them in ch. 4 v. 14, when things arent so swell. Acts 4:32-35 clearly says that "those who believed" lived in a very close relationship with one another. I will also be the first to admit that I fall very short of this particular example. Thanks be to God for His Grace and for His Word and His ever-teaching Spirit! We can also look to the book of Ephesians to glean insight. Ch.4 starts off reminding them (and us) of our Calling, that we've been Called; then tells us to bear One Another with patience. I do not have to be patient with you if I'm never around you, so I believe it was written with the assumption that the called out ones would be around each other a good deal. It goes on to say many reasons why this unity is so very important: so that the BODY may be equipped and edified (v.12), unity of faith in and knowledge of Jesus (v13), that we may not be decieved by false teachings but rather grow in Christ. In ch. 5 v. 19-21 we are commanded tospeak to one another in songs, give thanks to God, and submit to one another. Cant do it if I am alone.
    To end my ramblings on a very good question, I would encourage everyone to read just what God's Word in EPH. 4: 1-5 says about us as believers, and the ONENESS we are called to in Christ Jesus. Im going to search His Word some more and Lord willing get to the other questions tomorrow. Love you all!

  2. Good insight brother!
