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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Evolution and school shootings, no room for moral outrage!

Why all the school shootings?

I don't have all the answers, but I think a worldview that believes everything that exists simply came to be as a result of random chance and evolution over billions of years could be a main contributor. This of course is a worldview with no objective morality, except possibly the obligation for the strong to conquer the weak as the evolutionary means for the advancement of life.

Of course there are those of us who believe God created us (exactly as taught in the Bible) and that He also has given us the moral absolutes which mankind was designed to live by. I have heard evolutionists try to justify some kind of morality with their worldview, but in the end the only law of evolution is survival of the fittest.

The evolutionist may feel that the whole of humanity survives and evolves best when certain rules are followed by all people, but for the individual, there simply is no obligation to buy into that, only the obligation to survive and thrive by whatever means they personally deem best!

Consider the things that might go through the mind of a teen living in a world where it seems  popularity is needed for a good life, where the culture tells you the world is all about your dreams and happiness, and where fame is the highest goal!

Some youth will achieve the goal and be popular and others will not. Some will hold to the dream of  being famous for their brains, talent, looks or athletic ability, of course most will never be, but the dream keeps them moving forward and gives them purpose. However, others will likely come to think that they are always to be outsiders and their fame, if they are to have any, must come by some other means.

So in a world with no moral absolutes, where personal happiness is the highest goal, where popularity and fame are a right, and where everyone else is responsible for your unhappiness if they get between you and these goals, it makes perfect sense to get revenge on those who kept you from these precious goals and also in a way achieve them at the same time, by doing some fame acheiving act of violence against them!

Evolution, "survival of the fittest", really can't say anything moral against such behavior, it can simply try to keep people who might do this from getting access to weapons and further isolating their potential victims by better security measures.

When I was young....

We were taught that not everyone was going to be popular, and that is OK.

We were told we were probably not going to be famous, but simply to work hard and let the rest take care of itself.

The emphasis was not on eliminating bullying, but learning how to respond to bullies. If we have to get rid of all bullies for people to feel safe and be happy, well good luck with that!

The idea that life was all about us and our personal  happiness, was not a value to be taught but a lie to be rejected!


Happiness is not found by making it your goal, it is found by seeking the one who created us and living by His law for our good, His glory, and so mankind can be all it was created to be!

Matt. 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.

Everyone wants to feel blessed/happy, and everyone is hungering for things they think will help them achieve that goal, but only God can promise to fulfill our true needs, and He does not need anything within the power of others (fame, popularity, being liked, etc.) to cooperate for us to be fulfilled, only that we seek to know and follow Him!

Jesus died so we could be reconciled to God and have the fulfilling life we were created for now and forever. Evolution would by nature tell us it is OK to kill others to achieve our happiness and we must admit there is no room for moral outrage in the evolutionary worldview.

I think science best supports creation as taught in the Bible, if you reject that OK, but at least admit evolution lacks any objective morality to call a school shooting evil, and that the evidence we see all around screams that an evolutionary worldview is very bad for mankind as a whole!

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