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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

“will continue to suffer permanent, severe and irreparable harm and injury"

What is this quote referring to?

Maybe -

Victims of ongoing violent abuse?

Those living without food, shelter or clothing?

Military prisoners at Guantanamo Bay?

People who are being exposed to extremely violent or sexually graphic images?

No, not any of these things.

Prepare yourself for shock and awe!

It describes the harm that will be done to visitors and students at a school in Ohio if they catch a glimpse of a depiction of Jesus in a display of famous historical figures!

The ACLU and the Freedom from Religion Foundation used these words in their law suit against the school which now has to remove the picture (after 60 years on display) and they must pay a fine of $95,000 as well.

Here is a link to an article with more details from Fox News.

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