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Friday, February 24, 2012

Mainstream Moderate Muslim Murderers?

If someone kills another person simply for disagreeing with their religious beliefs - is that murder?

If someone kills one citizen of a country, because another citizen of that country disagrees with their beliefs - is that murder?

If you stand by and say nothing as those who hold to your beliefs and claim to represent your religion and your God, commit these blatant forms of murder - are you innocent?

Let's face it, whether someone burns someone else's religious book out of ignorance, indifference or spite, it is at worst a matter of disagreeing over religious beliefs.

So are Muslims who say Islam is a religion of peace OK with the killing of innocent Americans and others, simply because a few people either intentionally or accidentally burned the Koran?

If you are an American Muslim and you are not outraged and publically condemning these acts, then you certainly have no idea what America is about and I suggest your religion (if this is representative of it) is a murderous cowardly one.

Should I have any reason to think you would not advocate the same kind of religious intolerance and murder in this country if you should ever gain a majority?

I pray for your conversion to Christianity, because I believe it is true, however, I could not be faithful to my religion or conscience if I murdered you for disagreeing with my religion, burning the Bible or if I remained silent while others who claimed to be Christians and Americans killed you for such things.

I must also say, I would do everything within the law to discourage such a religion as Islam from flourishing here, as the silence of its adherents prove that it is a threat to the very freedoms that we enjoy as Americans.

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