What do I mean by Reformed Theology?
Primarily, I am referring to the doctrines of grace. More specifically, Reformed Theology affirms God's absolute sovereignty in the affairs of men, especially in the salvation of individuals. The heart of Reformed Theology is the belief that man has nothing to boast about when it comes to salvation, not even being a bit more smart or humble than those who did not believe upon Jesus for salvation - God will have all glory! You don't have to believe exactly the same about such things to be a Christian and many come to embrace the reformed view after growing in the faith and interacting with the scriptures over time. While the distinctives of reformed theology don't always deal with absolutly essential doctrines, all doctrines are still important and have practical implications. However, those specific implications are not the focus of this brief discussion, but rather what do you do if you hold a reformed understanding of scripture if you live where it is not a very popular view?
The teachings of the early reformers (Luther, Calvin, etc.) along with the teachings of many famous reformed preachers and authors (Johnathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, etc.) have gained popularity among many evangelical Christians lately. At the same time many believers, especially those who have come from outside a particular church tradition, have taken up studying the scriptures for themselves leading to a "Modern Reformation" of sorts as reformed doctrines are rediscovered from the Bible. With these changes taking place it must be asked - where do those who come to embrace these teachings fit into the church, especially in the Bible Belt of the US?
It is not as simple as one might think. Most current reformed churches in the southeast are Presbyterian and this has two potential problems. First - they have earned a reputation for being liberal over recent years since a large portion, known as the PCUSA, willfully and publicly rejected the authority of scripture as it related to who qualified to teach within the church and other issues. While the other major branch of Presbyterianism the PCA remains more conservative, many who have come to embrace a reformed understanding of scripture from outside Presbyterianism are not comfortable with the practice of infant baptism as it is practiced in the Presbyterian church.
There are quite a few non-Presbyterian reformed churches springing up around the country which hold to a reformed view of salvation, but practice the Biblical mandate for believers baptism. Some of these churches are operating under the name "Reformed Baptists", "Sovereign Grace Churches", any variety of other names, or are simply Baptist churches which teach from a reformed perspective. The reformed view as I have very briefly outlined here does fall within the parameters of Southern Baptist Orthodoxy and of course the Baptist church has much of it's roots in reformed theology. However, the reformed perspective on scripture is certainly in the minority today within the Baptist church and may even be considered heretical by some.
It may well be that in recent decades, as the emphasis of churches has been primarily on evangelistic preaching and sinners prayer conversions, that the teaching of the scriptures for the equipping of the saints has been neglected. This neglect would leave many churches without the spiritual maturity or scriptural depth of knowledge to even consider reformed teachings, especially since they go very much against the natural mind or what some would call "common sense".
What is the answer? Surely finding a church that teaches the whole counsel of God is the main thing. If the scriptures are taught, the Spirit will work and eventually truth will prevail, at least among God's people. Next it is clear that we will always be in a less than perfect church unless we are seeing it through the perfection of Christ, not our own perfect understanding or application of God's word. Finally, it is important to be humble and remember that we (Christians) continue to grow in our knowledge of God and his word throughout our time here and that any truth we posses is to be seen as a gift from God!!
1 Cor. 4:7 For who makes you differ from another? And what do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
Where do people like us gather to worship God in the Clayton area? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOur church is Mount Herman Christian Church on the corner of White Oak and Raynor Rd. It is in Garner, but on the Clayton side of it. I think much of our church, but I would also recommend Southside Christian Church which is located about a mile from us off Cornwallis Rd.
We are Old School/Reformed Presbyterian and prefer the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) but none in our area (Princeton/Smithfield, NC)
ReplyDeleteI don't think you will find anything closer than downtown Raleigh, and I am not even sure about that. We would have similar beliefs about many things, but would certainly differ on some as well. We would be glad to have y'all worship with us until you find what your looking for. Either way I pray and believe the Lord will meet all of your needs spiritual and otherwise. Blessings!
DeleteThere is now a new church plant in Clayton called Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church. It is not OPC but is committed to preaching the Word and evangelism in a fully reformed format.
DeleteThere is now a new church plant in Clayton, NC of the ARP called Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church which is committed to the Preaching/teaching of the reformed faith and evangelism.
DeleteClayton Community Church is a PCA church there (Bible-believing Presbyterians). I've experienced it. It is strong in: teaching from a Reformed perspective, staying focused on Jesus, being very full of grace, and being very friendly. 5586 Covered Bridge Rd. in Clayton (Archer Lodge area). People who like to be taught (from the Scriptures) like it there. If you want Jesus, it's a good place to be.
ReplyDeleteMy family is in tears because we were at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church, but because of scandal and men who want to grow numbers at all cost,instead of taking the the time to equip the saints with sound doctrine, we are no longer there. Where to go? We lost our church home and surely judgment begins with the household of God.