If I were to say I can't help who I hate, to justify some very serious act of revenge, I suspect many if not most would say in response:
Well, you may not be able to help who you hate, but you must control how you act on that hate! When it comes to hate, we understand that feeling can't be allowed to have free reign over or actions. But, what about love?
If we have loving feelings toward someone, are we incapable of controlling our actions that flow from those feeling? This seems to be some of the rationalization for overthrowing traditional, and dare I say biblical, concepts of sexual morality that had remained pretty constant throughout civilized societies up till just recently.
Do I agree we should be able to love whoever we want? Yes, the Bible says we should love everyone, even our enemies, but that does not mean we always feel warm feelings toward them? No, that is why they are our enemies, but it does means we do good to them, we love them with our actions, in spite of the feelings we may have. And, of course does not mean we should have sex with our enemies!
A huge error, or perhaps even intentional and nefarious switching of word meanings, has left many in modern society thinking that love and sex are interchangeable terms. The Bible has no issue with people loving (feelings) whoever they want, and we should do good to all (loving actions), but who we have sex with is a matter the Bible clearly speaks to.
Biblically, we should only have sex with someone of the opposite sex (defined by biology not feelings), to whom we are married.
I know, you may not believe the Bible and do not want it to guide your life in sexual matters or otherwise. OK, fair enough, but please use accurate language as you defend your lifestyle.
There are the feelings of love which we can choose to act on or not, just like there are feelings of hate that we can act on or not. The only reason we might choose to not act on our hate is that some things are wrong (according to some moral standard), then there is surely some standard that dictates where the line between right and wrong is as it relates to acting on loving feelings as well. Kidnapping someone so you could have them all to yourself, because you have such strong loving feelings for them, would be morally wrong for example.
And of course love and sex are not the same thing, so if you mean you can't help who you have loving feelings for I will agree, but if you mean you can't help who you have sex with, that is ridiculous!